College Admissions Essay: Who Doesn T Love Elementary School

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Who doesn’t love elementary school. Less homework, less assignment, more activities, and more free time to go out and explore. But, what I see now is only homework, grades, expectations and more work. We can’t even find joy in the simplest thing, but fall far more into stress and anxiety. I know it’s a given that when people grew older, the more responsibilities they have. However, it doesn’t mean school should taught us out of creativity and transformation to prepare us for these responsibilities. Facts are just empty words, they need more life to it. We need to see it for ourselves; how it’s form and where these theories or functions come from. Sitting still in a classroom like a robot and memorizes every fact thrown to us is not how the …show more content…

The system had been engraved into my mind and controls my action without me being aware of it. Still, I have a hypothesis of why this is happening. I think it all started when grades matter more than when we are in elementary/middle school. That’s when the time the joy of learning became a task/burden to me. All those homework, expectations, and rules from teachers and parents are weighing down on me. It limits us in certain way, that it makes us feel like we’re in jail and it transmitted messages saying we aren’t supposed to do that or this, basically, we’re not allowed to have our consciousness and time (freedom) to settle down and think for yourself. Furthermore, if I don’t get good grades, I’ll be a disappointment and from this kind of thinking, I think this is where I gradually start to memorizes facts instead of searching for its meaning. I thought if I look deeper into it, my time will become limited and my free time to do some other extracurricular activities will be gone. Just by memorizing will help me go by school …show more content…

He makes me question the way I’m in. Instead of depositing facts to us, he asks for our opinion and make us voice it out. However, I never had a chance to do that. I realize my mind kind of freezes and can’t develop my own opinion. I find out that my creativeness and my lack of curiosity is nowhere compared to when I was younger. If I’m still unaware of my situation before I graduated college, I’m assuming I’ll be dropping down from a rollercoaster at a high speed, but I’m not going back up, once I step out of college. This is the effect of accepting the environment set by the banking concept. According to Paulo Freire, the “more students work at storing the deposits entrusted to them, the less they develop the critical consciousness which could result from their intervention in the world as transformers of that world” (p.73). Freire’s point is that as we get used to having someone giving you all the facts and memorization was your only task, we will never be able to survive in society as we don't know how to applied everything we learn to the outside world, but to act according to teachers and solving problems on paper. Connecting to Freire's point, I’m think education should be the bridge that connects our knowledge to the real world, not exempting you from it. I think what should be included in the educational system is that schools should teach their students on how to connect what they