College Education Should Be Free

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Sacrifice is the abundance of things for the purpose of getting something else back. Sometimes sacrificing one thing will give back many things. The question is why governments should sacrifice its money on funding colleges and universities and make college education be free of fees? And what things can the government have back by doing this? These days with the rising living coasts and tuition fees, it can be easily expected that an average families with an average income will have to struggle to pay the fees to university to have their child educated. This struggle can be real for a family having more than five children. In fact, students could finish their four years bachelor degree with a significant debts. College education should be free because everyone can attend and the country can benefit economically and socially.
College fees is the reason that a poor-intelligent student will have a desperate future. While having a college degree is better than a normal school diploma, it is more likely to find high school graduates students away from college education and all what they have dreamed off when they used to be in school. It is not fair that a poor-smart student with a high school grades not attending college because of its high fees; in fact college could become as a dream to him. According to Levine and Niddiffer, the significant decline of poor students in college enrollment will result in a high odds such as very law chances of getting a job and more likely to