Why College Should Be Cheaper

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From the time we start our careers as students in school, we are told that in order to gains success in life we must attend college. That after high school, college is no doubt the next step we should be taking. Yet, for most students that are not wealthy this goal is almost unattainable. If the majority of students can’t afford tuition, then why is the tuition rate so high? Its certainly not an accident. Tuition is set in place to separate the minorities from the wealthy. Most students automatically go for scholarships and grants. These are what you would call “free money.” I and every other student I know has applied for this so called free money with no success of gaining even one of them. The scholarships aren’t geared towards us minorities …show more content…

We have to pay for tuition, meal plans, books, labs, parking, detergents, air, the right to live, and other things that we simply shouldn’t have to be bothered with. We are forced to work while in school. Some work on campus, others work off. Regardless, its tough. There are times we have to make the choice to stay home and study without pay or go to work so we can make that monthly installment to stay in school. We all make the same choice which is to work. Without income there would be nothing to study for because we wouldn’t be able to stay in school. As a result, many grades suffer including my own. There aren’t enough hours in the day to go to school, work, do homework, and study for every class. In my short experience of doing this I have found myself stressed out, sleep deprived, and not doing as well as I possibly could. If college is supposed to be the next step in our lives, why is it so difficult to handle? We should be able to concentrate more on our work. This is just another example of us being kept down. If we are going to have enough courage to come to college and attempt to learn, they will punish us with cost and make sure we have to work to stay so we can’t do as well as we should. They want to keep us uneducated and