College Essay About Gymnastics

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turn on 1 foot, turn with leg horizontal, etc.. There are many different jumps that are done on beam that include: straight/tuck/pike/wolf/straddle jumps, sissones, and etc.. Leaps that gymnasts will do include: cat leaps, split leaps, switch leaps, etc.. Lastly the skills that have gymnasts get off the beam are dismounts these will include: round offs, front tucks, back tucks, backhandspring connections, and etc.. (
The final event of all 4 events is floor which is a big square spring floor that gymnasts use to flip, leap, turn and etc. on. “It requires beauty, strength, power and stamina to continue at peak performance throughout the entire exercise. While the routine is no more than 90 seconds, athletes must maintain energy and excellence, which can be challenging because of the demanding content in the exercise.” ( The basic skills for floor that there are in gymnastics include: backward rolls, forward …show more content…

( Some A skills that there are on floor are; back/front walkovers, back/front handsprings, dive rolls, handstand full pirouette, and etc.. Some B skills on floor include: back tuck/pike/layouts, front handspring front tuck/pike, double …show more content…

They need to put themselves in the mindset of winning so that they will try their hardest. Starting to work on and visualizing their routines in their heads will help with concentrating and helping them compete better. For competing they need to start thinking about their form and perfecting the skills that they already have and not so much on the skills that they don’t. Reason being is because if they just keep working on new skills they will never perfect the ones they have now and won’t get good scores at when they

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