Teen Depression In Today's Generation

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Living in today's generation, you tend to notice many classmates around you vanishing in the blink of an eye, people you sit next to in class everyday. Depression in on a rise, now more than ever. Every individual can get down every now and then, but someone with depression experiences an ongoing burden. An ongoing burden that you can’t get rid of seems to become too much at times, which causes a depressive episode, that might lead to suicide. An increasing rate of teens becoming depressed is very dangerous and there needs to be an explanation on why so many teens are developing this disorder. Before you investigate why so many teen individuals are developing this disorder, you need to understand the symptoms, as it is easy to prevent …show more content…

Social media plays a huge role in what it does to everyone around. Social media lets everyone from all over see a post, this makes it easier for someone to say something mean about another person. Children in today’s age can be very mean and harsh. Some will freely say whatever they feel and not care about feelings involved or how it will affect another individual. Many teens become depressed because of the comments and remarks made on social media. There are many consequences when it comes to teen depression. Some may be serious, mild, and fatal. Self-harm is a huge part in dealing with depression in a bad way, they want anything other than being depressed so they choose to harm themselves. Most people with depression become irritable and angry at everything, this causes them to be violent with others. The worst, committing suicide in these situations. Many feel as if they are worthless and “don't need to be here” so they resort to suicide as the …show more content…

I believe not all individuals are as strong as others. Some have an extra coating that protects them from the hard stuff they go through and brush it off. While others aren't as strong, not everyone can put a smile on everyday and be happy. Certain individuals are very sensitive to words and cant handle everything that comes their way. There are causes and risk factors for depression in teens. Depression brings a reduced amount of serotonin, decrease in size, and increased activity in particular locations. Females are said to become more depressed than males (Dryden-Edwards, MD). Along with parents who seem to be depressed, the child will more than likely to become depressed also. An individual will not be able to think straight because they’re always off topic when it comes to concentrating. This messes with their nervous system to respond in a conversation or for example, in class. Not everyone looks as if they are depressed on the outside, many pretend to be happy so others don't ask questions all of the time. You really do have to know the signs of depression and know their character very well. You need to be able to recognize the symptoms and alert someone of the things you sense in the individual, it could save that person. Many do not want to open up to others on how they feel, most just want to keep it to themselves because they think that it will get better in time, with no