Essay On Teenage Alcoholism

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Teens and drinking have been an issue for some time and it continues to persist, attracting many young individuals. Whether it’s the pleasure or the ability to forget problems drinking as a teen has become a problem in society with many alcohol related issues. However, that sensation of being able to forget problems soon enters a cycle of many other issues such as consequences to the physical development and to the body itself, which is not able to handle the alcohol properly. In addition, soon the early admission of the depressant becomes and an addictive factor which can lead to alcoholism since the body constantly craves the substance. Teens and drinking has continued to progress over the years and the depressant has consumed many lives.
Drinking exposure has begun as early as 12 years old, with girls drinking at around the age of 13 and boys at around the age of 11. The inclination to explore the usage of alcohol is caused by many factors such as trying to forget all of one 's problems, to gain confidence and the influence of other …show more content…

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services acknowledges that there are 10 million teens in the United States drinking regularly and over 20 percent binge drink.( Teen Alcoholism). This information illustrates the dependence that teens have developed for alcohol and many of them don 't even know the issue that they are building for themselves. The signs that demonstrate that a teen is becoming or is addicted to alcohol are that he/she is a heavy drinker, they drink regularly for no reason and becoming upset over the removal of accessibility of alcohol.( Teen Alcoholism). Alcoholism creates a dependency on it and many teens who begin at an early age are more vulnerable to become addicted to the depressant leading to many other risk