College Writing Personal Statement

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I have just recently begun to hate writing. Not all writing, just the kind that leaves me staring at a blank computer screen or clean piece of paper for countless minutes with no idea of how to start off in which to captivate my readers, especially my professor. I will ritually rack my brain for dozens of wasted moments, deciding on how to begin, continue, and complete an essay assignment, while trying to avoid any obvious signs within my work itself that my apprehension towards writing is just as strong as the wildfires currently burning Washington State. Research writing is however, a different, more alleviating and empowering type of writing because it allows my subconscious to camouflage its worries and impotency behind objective facts …show more content…

I have a newfound appreciation for the ancient art and convenience of libraries that one can physically visit and scour through mounds of books, rather than the modern day approach to ‘googling’ a topic and relying on a computer to find the best sources, rather than the original computer, known as the human brain. After choosing a topic that ultimately intrigues me and plays at my cognitive sensations, I will visit the campus library, and like a lost puppy, will go through aisle after aisle, while scanning and browsing through books that could potentially be of benefit to my research topic. After I have thoroughly exhausted this method and asked the library one too many questions, it is then I will utilize modern day technology and formally search for peered reviewed journal articles on my topic that are able to be printed. I also will keep in mind that the most recent information is the most reliable because people, culture, and information availability constantly changes. I also always make sure to turn on my bias detector when reading through my newfound information because biases will negatively affect research and the conclusions drawn from it, whereas strong …show more content…

When writing an essay no longer is considered a ‘have to’ but a ‘want to,’ then honesty, commitment, and success will exude from the writing itself, and will be easily detectable by its readers. This is possible when a research topic that genuinely interests the writer is chosen, thus prompting the student to become dedicatedly immersed in their assignment, and opting for the best results. This is because readers are more trustworthy and eager to support an author and their work if they believe that the author is passionate and knowledgeable about what they are talking about. What better opportunity to prompt a healthy discussion or argument, in which nobody can interrupt or belittle information presented, because although words literally do not talk or fight crime, they are in fact figuratively, extremely powerful in producing action of change, whether it be in attitude or in the way one now thinks of the topic. As an avid Wikipedian who randomly researches interesting topics that I come across in my day to day life, I learned that I genuinely enjoy learning new facts about things I am already interested in, which simply increases my interest towards that subject. Once I ridded my mindset of negative and stereotypical feelings towards writing research papers, it soon became easier and faster to