Effect Of Colour On Interior Design

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LITERATURE RIVIEW Colour is often used to alter emotions in the concept/theory of interior design. The two extreme tones of colour, which are the darker tone and the lighter tone have both very distinguished attributes. The lighter shade of colour signifies lightness, purity, happiness and excitement (i.e., mostly positive emotions), whereas the darker shade of colour are closely related to stress, disguard and stress (i.e., negative emotions). Contrary to the general believes, definition of colour on emotional feeds are purely a personal definition, as it differs from one individual to another. Colour plays its vital role in perception, as it is used in everyday objects. The way colour plays in the psychological perception have not been fully …show more content…

Flagge, 1994). After research stated that the intensity of light also reflects on the perceptual mood of a space (J. Turner, 1994). However, the flaw of the study is that most of the measurement are based on a subjective platform, where everyone are entitled to their own perspective on the topic of colour. The effects of colour on interior design has a profound influence on people, it applies in the area of consumer satisfaction, stress level, health and state of mind (K. Frasca, 1999). Frasca also added that the relationship that are shared between colour and lighting are inseparable, as the intensity of light affects the perception of colour on mood. A study that had been performed on the effects of office lighting on mood and cognitive performance had suggested that the use of artificial lighting in a physical setting of an office, has an impact on the mood of its inhabitants (I. Knez and I. Enmarker, July …show more content…

A. Veitch and G. R. Newsham, June, 1995). Veitch et.al. Reported that in their research”one problem facing designers and engineers is that there is no commonly accepted metric of lighting quality that predicts the effects of the luminous environment on the occupants. It is commonly assumed that poor lighting quality has negative impact on the ability of people to perform their work; however, few studies have attempted to quantify lighting quality as a whole, and none of these has attempted to relate quantified quality to task performance”. They have also added that it was difficult to do a comparison between studies because of the different use of light scale intensity in other researches. As a result, the results varies from the past research guidelines and it falls short of the result detail that’s usually demanded by behavioural

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