Colorblind In The New Jim Crow By Michelle Alexander

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In todays’ society does race matter? Who in society thinks that race matters and who thinks it no longer matters? In our daily living we experience different types of racism. Some of us experience racism because of the color of our skin, the country we migrated from or just because we speak a different language. Additionally, people can be judged by the way they dress, or the food they eat. People witness many types of discrimination and injustice; however, sometimes they choose not to get involved. Michelle Alexander addresses this issue in her book the New Jim Crow, where she claims that almost everyone has forgotten what justice is. Further proof of Alexander’s argument is provided in Julia Craven’s article, “More Than 250 Black People Were …show more content…

If society can’t change these discriminatory laws and make it equal for all races then society is colorblind. People should be judged by the crimes they commit and not by the color of their skin. In todays’ society blacks are being classed as a new kind of slave as stated in the New Jim Crow. Alexander mostly talks about the birth of Jim Crow and War on Drugs. The birth of Jim Crow is to prevent African Americans from obtaining political power, greater social and economic equality (Alexander 30). The Jim Crow Law which started in the 1900s affected innocent black people just as it is affecting those in society today. In the 1900s blacks were being treated unfairly and unjustly without any civil rights, although we have the Declaration of Independence that states all “Men are Equal” it is not so for today’s black …show more content…

Ta-Nehishi Coates argues that people in today’s society should take a stand for equal justice for all. Additionally, his viewpoint corresponds with Alexander and Craven because the authors present facts that show that justice is not equal for everyone. It can be argued that mass incarceration is related to slavery because blacks are still being treated unfairly and without equal justice. Slavery is related to mass incarceration today because the majority of African Americans are unable to obtain political power, and social and economic equality (Alexander 30). Innocent blacks are still being denied their rights to fair and just treatment in the criminal justice system. African Americans are human just as everyone else in today’s society and they should be treated with equally and without discrimination in the criminal justice