Racism And Skin Discrimination

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Discrimination based on skin color, also known as colorism or shadism, is a form of prejudice or discrimination in which people are treated differently based on the social meanings attached to skin color.
Colorism, a term coined by Alice Walkerin 1982, is not a synonym of racism. "Race" depends on multiple factors (including ancestry); therefore, racial categorization does not solely rely on skin color. Skin color is only one mechanism used to assign individuals to a racial category, but race is the set of beliefs and assumptions assigned to that category. Racism is the dependence of social status on the social meaning attached to race; colorism is the dependence of social status on skin color alone. In order for a form of discrimination to …show more content…

A lot of people hate a nigger they think that if you a nigger you are a bad and if have a light-skinned you are good, but base on the research Skin color can affect your communication to the other. HISTORY Commonly referred to as the "light versus dark skin issue," colorism within the Black race dates back to slavery in the U.S., when the skin color of slaves determined work chores assigned (Hunter, 2002). Dark-skinned slaves, who were likely of pure African ancestry, were given more physically demanding tasks in the fields, while lighter skinned slaves (who had lighter skin because of their biracial status, as it was common for slave masters to have nonconsensual and consensual sexual relationships with their female slaves) were given more enviable and esteemed positions (Keith & Herring, 1991). This visible division created friction amongst slaves and reinforced the idea that one was better if one had a lighter complexion (Ross, 1997). This mindset was ingrained in the minds of Blacks and after Emancipation Blacks began creating their own social divides …show more content…

If your skin tone was not equal to or lighter than a paper bag, admission would not be granted. These skin colorbased assessments, created by Blacks themselves, help illustrate the power of prejudice and stereotypes and substantiate notions of colorism for the general public. The group starts to reflect that discrimination and apply it against themselves. If Blacks themselves were willing to openly convey their preference for light skin, why question whites who do the same According to a 1990 study conducted by Hughes and Hertel lighter skinned Blacks were more likely to have greater years of education, higher salaries and more prominent jobs than their darker skinned counterparts. They even found that the gap in educational attainment and socioeconomic status between light- and dark-skinned Blacks is equivalent to the gap between Whites and all Blacks in general. These findings alone illustrate the importance and prevalence of

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