Effects Of Sexism In Of Mice And Men

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The horror stories of the news. Extreme acts of hate and prejudice towards those of a different race, gender, and those with physical or intellectual disabilities. While not the only forms of social criticism, racism, sexism, and ableism have been some of the most long standing and influential forms of social discrimination that continue today. Racism is the idea that one race, usually the white race, is superior to another race. Sexism describes gender discrimination, while ableism is prejudice towards those with disabilities. Social criticism holds roots in lack of education and empathy. John Steinbeck, author of Of Mice and Men, educates through his position as a social critic in the novel the effects of social criticism, including racism, …show more content…

The spouse of the boss’s son, Curley’s wife is seen a seen as a sl*t by the transient workers at the ranch. Shortly after settling in, George is relaxing in his accommodations with some of the other laborers when over a game euchre, Whit expresses his disgust for Curley’s wife. George agrees, stating “She’s jail bait all set on the trigger. That Curley got his work counted out for him. Ranch with a bunch of guys on it ain’t no place for a girl, ’specially like her’”(51). Partaking in this belief, after Curley’s wife enters the harness room one night where Crooks, Lennie, and Candy are talking about their futures to inquire if any of the men had seen Curley, Crooks and Candy advise “You better go along to your own house now’… ‘You gotta husban’”(77). As a result, Curley’s wife is lonesome. Finding Lennie in the barn and attempting to strike up a conversation, the wife discovers that he has been ordered not to speak to her. Angered by this statement, she confides “‘I get lonely’… ‘You can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but Curley’… “ain’t I got a. Right to talk to nobody? Watts they think I am, anyways’”(87)? Being called sexist names, ridiculed behind her back, and subjected to orders to return to the house with her husband has put Curley’s wife in a position of extreme loneliness. By …show more content…

After injuring his hand working on the ranch, Candy is given a job swamping the bunkhouses and 250 dollars. However, getting hurt over four years before, Candy is well aware that “‘They’ll can me purty soon. Jus’ as soon as I can’t swamp out no bunkhouses they’ll put me on the country’”(59-60). Having a physical disability, Candy is seen as a burden, a disposable worker. This discrimination places him in the difficult position of needing to work out what his life will later look like when he is laid off because of his age and his disability. Similarly, with an intellectual disability, Lennie is seen as a dumb man with no purpose or talent other than to work and his strength. Taking advantage of this, his friend George “‘Used to play jokes on ’im ’cause he was too dumb to take care of ’imself’… ‘I’ve beat the hell outta him, and he coulda bust every bone in my body with jus’ his Han’s, but he never lifted a finger against me’” (40). George utilizes Lennie’s unstable mental status as entertainment, believing that his disability is humorous and justifies actions to be taken against him that would not otherwise be acceptable. Following the discovery that Curley's dead wife in the barn was Lennie’s doing, her spouse is out for blood. In an attempt to avoid the killing, George argues with Slim “‘Couldn’ we maybe bring him an’ lock