Comedy And High Comedy In David Ives's Soap Opera

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According to Kennedy and Gioia, comedy is rooted “from the Greek komos, a reveal, thought to be originated in festivities to celebrate spring, ritual performances in praise of Dionysus” (882). The term comedy can refer to an entire work or simply only parts. Comedy, which can range from romantic (the guy gets the girl and they live happily ever after) to satiric, which is when “human weakness or folly is ridiculed from a vantage point of supposedly enlightened superiority” (Kennedy and Gioia 882). There are many other forms that can be found everywhere. High comedy “relies more on wit and wordplay than physical action for its humor”, while Low comedy tends to “explore the opposite extreme of humor” (Kennedy and Gioia 883). Yet, even in their differences both forms of comedy “serve a valuable purpose in satirizing human failings”, according to Kennedy and Gioia (883). In order to maintain a comedy play, David Ives uses high comedy, personality, and exaggeration to ridicule and criticize ones’ stupidity; therefore, evoking a greater sense of humor. The humor associated with David Ives play, Soap Opera is credited to his strong use of high comedy. Ives includes problems with relationships, a sense of life, and people striving for perfection. Ives begins the opening scene of the comedy with a great deal of humor. The loudspeaker’s voice says, “Welcome to… ‘All the Days of the World of the Lives of All of Our Children’” (Ives 888). This line in the play brings humor because