Comedy Of Errors Essay

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I choose not to read The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare. As I know Shakespeare’s drama and play from different other readings before I would guess that it is about some mistaken identity as Shakespeare loved to use them in his other plays I have read. This guess would also work with the title of “errors” as there are not mistakes but probably something completely wrong in the setting or the plot of the play which makes it fun to watch for the audience. Since it is a comedy, at least I think so, and written by Shakespeare I would expect many word plays or puns and a lot of chaos.

The word cloud by wordl revealed that the most frequently used word in Shakespeare’s Comedy of errors is “thou” followed by “sir”, “haue” “thy” “thee” “man” “Dromio” “come” “now” “Chaine” “all” “Master” “Enter”. As it is a play, I think it makes sense that the pronouns they with whom they address themselves and the most frequently used characters are in the list of most frequently used words. “enter” was used 42 times, which means that probably at least 42 times in this play new character entered or reentered the scenery. “Haue”, which I …show more content…

It is e.dro and s.dro. Maybe those are short forms for e.Dromio and s.Dromio and can be seen as a hint that maybe two men have the same name and are therefore mistaken all the time or that they are even twins. “Sister”, “wife” ad goldsmith re also frequently used words after using a stop list, still for me right now they do not support my understanding of the context. I found interesting that the frequencies of e.dro and s.dro are opposed until segment 5 in the play. For me, this in a way supports my thesis that there are two men which have the same name or are even twin and do not know something about the existence of the other and finally meet in segment 5. After segment 5, which probably is scene 5, the two names appear