Comedy's Unique Role During The Aftermath Of Societal Trauma Summary

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I would like to start off by saying that I truly enjoyed reading “Comedy’s Unique Role During the aftermath of Societal Trauma,” written by Eve Lombardi. It’s interesting that she would write an essay on ideas revolved around comedy or humor. This essay was so well written that she was able to take elements from separate ideas about humor in social relationships, the role of societal sitcoms, and the use of comedy as a stress reliever and ultimately develop them into an amazing essay. The main reason that I enjoyed reading this essay rather than the other one was simply because I thought this topic was more interesting and unique, however, both papers were outstanding and very enjoyable to read.
One thing Lombardi does especially well throughout her essay is looking at comedy on a larger scale as a social stress reliever, …show more content…

As you can see throughout her paper, she is extremely interested in the obvious increase in comedy viewing and subsequent decrease in news program viewing surrounding traumatic events. She maintains focus on her thesis throughout the entire paper by exploring comedy’s relationship to events such as unfortunate recessions, 9/11, and any stressful societal events affecting a majority of people. In addition, anyone who reads Lombardi’s paper can tell she did a lot of research on her topic and is truly interested in the topic at hand. In my opinion, this adds to the essay’s strength due to the fact that it made the paper more enjoyable to read for me. Since she truly enjoys her topic and took the time to research and explore her topic, it seems as if this paper was very easy for her to write, which in turn makes it easy to read and enjoyable for the reader, such as myself. On the other hand,