Comfort By Hostetter: Summary

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The book Comfort by Joyce Moyer Hostetter is the sequel to the book Blue, where 13 year old Ann Fay catches polio after her dad goes off to fight in World War 2. Her little brother also catches polio, but that is fatal. She goes to a hospital, in Hickory, North Carolina, and meets Imogene, a African American girl with polio too. Imogene helps Ann Fay get through the pain, and they become good friends. Comfort picks up right where Blue left off, where Ann Fay is home from the hospital and Ann Fay’s daddy is home from the war. This book takes place July 1945 through July 1946. Ann Fay is struggling too, she wants to walk again. Her daddy is not like he used to be. He is struggling of post traumatic stress. He won 't get a job and he freaks