Commentary On The Book 'Melinda' By Andy Evans

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Melinda was raped by Andy Evans. Melinda feels ashamed of herself and feels as if she’s to blame for what happened to her. She feels as if she has no one to tell about the encounter. She want’s to tell someone so bad, but doesn't see that telling someone about the encounter she had with Andy Evans would help her, but she feels it would only make her feel worse. There is no one there to listen to her, she felt as if no one would really care. In the book Melinda was flirting with Andy Evans at the party. Melinda feels that because she was flirting with him it provoked him to rape her, and therefore it being her fault in her head. Melinda feels that if she hadn’t flirted with him and been drunk, he wouldn’t had raped her. In the book it says,