Commentary On The Essay 'Pesticides' By Rachel Carson

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In life, people have been told to make the most of their time here on Earth. We have a limited time before our death and we should spend every minute of it with no regrets when death comes knocking on our door. Time is a precious subject to not only humans but also nature. Nature has to deal with the effects of time too. However, if humans take away nature’s time, we leave it no choice but to die out. This is what Rachel Carson was trying to tell the world in her essay “Pesticides”. Rachel Carson is a well-known marine biologist and environmental author. She is very knowledgeable about the environmental effects that humans have on nature. In her essay, “Pesticides”, she talks about how pesticides harm the environment, and in turn, harm us. She also says how man has made a war against nature, and it will end with the demise of both sides. Finally, Carson claims that there is no time in the world. All of her statements bring rise to questions. …show more content…

Man has destroyed nature for the betterment of himself. He has created pesticides, cut down numerous forests, and polluted the air and waterways. All of these choices were to better man’s luxurious life. However, these choices have consequences. Nature is dying because it can’t adapt fast enough to what man is doing. The demise of nature comes first, then the demise of man. Man can’t live without nature. We are dependent on it for everything in our lives. From food, shelter, water, and air, all of these things come from nature. Without nature, we would be nothing. That is why the war we have created against nature is not going to turn out as a win for