Jane Goodall: The Greatest Threat To Our Future

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Jane Goodall, a primatologist, ethologist, and anthropologist, explains that the greatest risk to our future is lacking enthusiasm and concern about its outcome. Considering Goodall is extremely environmentally keen, it is more than likely she is emphasizing this towards the future of the entire ecosystem, including plants and animals, rather than only the future of the human race. She explains that if the human race falls to a deficiency of caring about our environment, it can and will lead to a vast threat to the future of the world’s ecosystem. Often humans forget about the importance of the ecosystem and instead we become caught up in ourselves and our own individual needs. Goodall is stressing that if these egotistical human acts continue to occur, the future of our ecosystem is in jeopardy. Goodall is not correct. The greatest danger to our future is not apathy. Indeed, this is a very significant risk to our future, but it is not the crucial threat. Rather than worrying about apathy towards the future, we should worry about issues such as overpopulation, government corruption, and war. Essentially, these can lead to serious problems for example, overpopulation causing epidemics like the plague or ebola that could …show more content…

They may explain that the environment is what keeps us alive, and in lacking concern for the future of it, we will slowly destroy it. To that I would explain how issues like widespread disease and war as presented previously, have the capability to tarnish the future more than apathy ever has the potential to danger. The future is held in the hands of the human race, therefore we must not posses apathy towards it, but instead stay alert to current problems and find solutions to make the future prosperous and rewarding for the generations to