Common App Essay: Negotiation In The Catholic Church

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Common App Essay- Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. (650 words max) On April 13th, 2016, I made my confirmation in the Catholic Church. Throughout the process of being confirmed, I had to go to confirmation class every Sunday for about six months, a retreat with all the other confirmation students, and help serve food to people in need. I learned about God, church, religion, others, and myself throughout the time I put into this process. The classes that I attended on Sunday were based around the religion. We would have conversations about how each of us experienced the topic on a daily basis or what we thought that the topic meant in a deeper way. These conversations helped us see not everyone will see a topic the same way as you and that your response isn’t the only valid one, and this gave me a deeper perspective. Everyone has a different view on religion and life, so the responses would be quite different from one person to the next. The class went beyond just the classes; all students that were taking confirmation classes at the church …show more content…

I was quite uncomfortable there the first time because I had never been around people who live the way that these people had to. As I kept going, I got more comfortable and talked more to the people there. All the people were nice and friendly. There is one experience that I will never forget; I was talking to one man about football and he knew everything about the players and the teams, and he was optimistic about everything although he lived a hard life. The time that I spent there opened my views on everyone, I realized that no matter what is wrong with life being optimistic is the most important part of enjoying life and make the most of every opportunity to make it just a little