Common Core Standards Of Mathematical Practices And The ISTE Standards

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In this discussion, I would like to analyze two sets of STEM subjects: the common core standards of Mathematical Practices and the ISTE Standards, which are focused on technology. The ISTE Standards emphasize the competences needed for learning, teaching, and leading in the digital world, providing a roadmap for success in technology within schools. These standards ensure that achieving success in technology leads to impactful, sustainable, accessible, and equitable experiences for students in education.

Similarly, the Mathematical Practices focus on the knowledge that mathematics teachers need to provide techniques that promote critical thinking and proficiencies with a long history in mathematics (National Governors Association, 2010). The NCTM-based Mathematical Standards concentrate on problem solving, reasoning, evidence, communication, representation, and linkages (National Governors Association, 2010).

On the other hand, the ISTE Standards aim to enhance students' comprehension and understanding through the use of technology and prepare them for the digital world. The fifth criterion in the ISTE Standards for learners, computational thinking, involves creating and employing techniques to understand and benefit from technology approaches in order to build and test solutions. Similarly, the Mathematical Standards teach the first criterion, which …show more content…

Educators should remember that topics in the STEM field are interconnected. A mathematical topic may align with the properties of matter in science, or conducting a scientific experiment may require technological skills to analyze and interpret data and statistics. Engineers, for example, utilize mathematical reasoning and scientific understanding to create new products and harness technology in the 21st century (Pearson et al.,