Common Core Mathematic Standards have been under evaluation because of a debate between college professors, some who feel the standards are not substantial enough to prepare students for the college degree. It is a teacher’s responsibility to prepare their students for the next level. Even many supporters believe that the Common Core State Standards have many flaws and should be evaluated. With that being stated, the board that constructed the standards made mention that the cause for these flaws is because they focused so much on the K-8 standards that they ran out of time. Because of this short time, they ended up having to rush to work sure the K-8 plus or High School Standards were completed, meaning they had less time to truly think them through. Despite all of the criticism that the Standards have taken, forty-two states and the District of Columbia have adopted them, and will be placing them in order soon. …show more content…
One of the most well-known opponents of these standards is R. James Milgram. Milgram feels that the standards given to the high school students, are not adequately preparing them for college, which in turn is causing children to fail as they climb the educational ladder to a higher level. Milgram referred to a study called “The Toolbox Revisited: Paths to Degree Completion From High School Through College, saying that out of those students who just completed Algebra in high school, just 39 percent would get a bachelor’s degree. Milgram would also point out that 75 percent of those who went on to finish pre-calculus in high school would go on to obtain a bachelor’s degree. Obviously those who set higher standards for themselves, have a tendency to obtain larger goals, and finish