Assessment for Assessment
I think Common Core Standard is a tolerable curriculum. It has many benefits such as preparing students for a competitive global economy, providing national continuity in education, and reflect aspirations for student achievement and an understanding of the realities of the classroom. But not all things are flawless. Common Core Standards does have a few down sides such as not guarantee improvements in testing on the global scale and it is a program pushed by the government, which you either adopt the program or you get no money for the schools. According to an article online called “The Case against Common Core” states that the main issue with this curriculum is that this is basically “one size fits all” approach to education. I even find this a bit appalling considering that I was always told that every child learns differently. Therefore, having a standard that is copyrighted and makes no changes does not give students the ability to learn at their own way. Another big issue that I read was the CCS for math. The new lingo for math is estimation. The right answer is no longer the correct answer and that estimating the answer is the way to go. I feel like this would be extremely hard for parents to help their children with homework because the parents don’t know how to solve math problems like
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Over the past few years, Florida has made strong gains in academics. The Sunshine State Standards has made standards such as creating expectations for students (which we talked about a few chapters back in our textbook) and it helps build stronger thinking and problem solving skills. According to The Florida Department of Education, Florida is the national leader in education. Also, Florida ranked 7th in the nation as student achievement. That’s pretty