You’re Doing it Wrong: An American Education Story
Imagine a mother and her child. The child needs assistance with his/her homework. Now the mother tries to help, but consequently, the child did not receive credit for the assignment. The mother showed her child a simple way to solve the problem. Furthermore the State Board of Education, now demands that the most difficult way is the solution. Situations like this exist. It is in our past and present, but it does not have to be our future. This convoluted way to find a solution is called Common Core, and we are putting it on trial. Since the moment of conception, it has poisoned the school system. Common Core is detrimental to the development of young minds as well as their well being. This
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The government did not mandate that states adopt it, but the board of education gave millions of dollars in grants to those who adapted to it quickly (Source A). It was the complete opposite of its predecessor, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). In theory, Common Core would make transitioning schools easier for kids. It would also present a higher standard of education, that would help the American Education system keep up with competing countries. Consequently, Common Core only succeeded in making school and education that much more difficult for students. A major problem presented by Common Core was the demand of conformity. It completely disregarded that fact that multiple students learned different. While previously teachers would be able to explain a subject in a different way. Another issue presented by Common Core forcing conformity began to show its effect a few months after Common Core was put into effect. It enabled cheating. Every lesson plan,worksheet, assignment, and homework pages were put online. In the day and age of the Internet it quickly became a problem. It is now easier than ever to cheat in a class. It is hard to detect plagiarism when a student in Salem, Massachusetts and a student in Bay Minette, Alabama use the same …show more content…
Originating from a democratic belief that it would better the future members of society. Education Secretary Devos has shown both her support and dislike for Common Core in the past. While under the Bush Administration, she sat by as Jeb Bush and later Barack Obama pushed for Common Core. Years later she is now leading the charge to have Common Core dismissed from the school systems. It is quite clear that Common Core was just another political agenda used to make a person's image look better. It was riddled with personal beliefs and bribery. The State Board of Education never made Common Core mandatory for public schools. However millions of dollars of funding money was offered to schools who adopted it the fastest. Former President Obama called this, the Rise to the Top fund. This caused schools in desperate need of funding to adopt Common Core without thinking of the consequences. This mad rushing for the grant caused schools to become