Common Core State Standards Essay

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Should Common Core Standards Be Standard?
Nearly every individual born and raised in the United States after the 1990s have experienced the United States’ base requirement in school systems- the Common Core State Standards. Unfortunately, due to the nature of these standards, most students from The United States are not being educated enough to compete with other kids from countries that have a better education system. Although the Common Core State Standards intended to benefit students, it, in fact, caused more harm than good. Common Core State Standards have created students to be less interested in school, are a detriment to teaching staff, and are abusing taxpayer money.
Students interest in school
One of the most critical factors to examine is that an apathetic student doesn’t just become apathetic overnight, rather interest diminishes through boredom and a lack of inspiration. For a student to succeed, they need to be challenged and motivated to stay interested. Common Core Standards’ lack of focus on the actual learning process and attention to basic memorization of certain criteria makes many students feel as if education is meaningless. A student may learn how to graph a certain formula in math class but will not do the thinking required to understand how it applies to real-life situations. For a student to truly learn and understand …show more content…

However, it has caused students to be apathetic, teachers to be uninspired, and tax dollars to go to a select few schools. Without a change in the Common Core State Standards in the American education system, we will continue to see a widening gap of people based solely on factors out of their control. Perhaps lawmakers should consider a complete reform and look at other countries with successful education systems to find a system that educates our youth. That would be the most reliable foundation for a better future for future