
Common Core State Standards Essay

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North Carolina's position on Common Core State Standards is to design a system for students based on what they should know for each grade level for the three crucial subjects and disregard the importance of others. This affects schools and teachers because it's designed to support North Carolina educators in providing the most challenging education possible for the state’s students. The goal is to prepare all students to become career and college ready. In conjunction with legislation such as No Child Left Behind. Common Core is seen as reducing schools' interest and motivation in providing education in art, science, history, and physical education. (K-12CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION-12 STANDARDS, n.d )

The Common Core State Standards Initiative is to set guidelines intended to steer schools toward common benchmarks for accomplishment. It tells what kind of materials to be covered and the acceptable scores needed for advancement. In doing this they have decided that aligning graduation requirements, curriculum materials, educator preparation, professional development, and data systems. The Common Core intends to standardize education from kindergarten to high-school with a heavy focus on mathematics and …show more content…

Each state developed its own standards because the act was not asserted a national achievement standard. NCLB expanded the federal role in public education through further emphasis on annual testing, annual academic progress, report cards, and teacher qualifications, as well as significant changes in funding. The Act Provides information for parents by requiring states and school districts to give parents detailed report cards on schools and districts explaining the school's AYP performance; schools must inform parents when their child is taught by a teacher or para-professional who do not meet "highly qualified"

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