Common Core State Standards Essay

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It can be a challenge keeping class lessons advanced, but also understandable for all students. Educators may find trouble in keeping their classroom properly sequenced, and staying up to date with the course materials. Some educators may be in their first year of teaching and are unsure of the course requirements. So, how would one know if the students were being properly educated? A child’s education is very important and there is not a school day to waste. An educator can never be unprepared, or unaware of what is to be expected from his or her course. Educators must set clear educational goals, enhance rigor levels, and be highly knowledgeable on the subject area they will teach. Therefore, Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were set in place for all school systems. These Standards lay the framework for all subject areas, and educators have access to giving their students quality educational instruction.
Common Core State Standards offer significant qualities in terms of innovation, collaboration, and personalized learning. There …show more content…

Thus, utilizing the given standards allows time for a teacher to review and study in deepen depth the required sections. I believe if States did not promote Common Core Standards, quite a few educators would only be teaching in their own comfort zone. Since people avoid what they are unfamiliar with, I believe it would be the same circumstances in the classroom. As researchers have studied, the Common Core increases rigor for all bodies involved. Rigor levels do not need to be intentionally problematic, but should promote higher amounts of student achievements. Which leads to another great asset Common Core State Standards bring about. TeachHub (2015, p. 1) indicates, “the standards define what students at each grade level need to learn in reading, writing, and math so that they stay on track for college and future