End Common Core Argumentative Essay

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End Common Core Common Core should be eliminated from the school systems it is destructive to the teachers, the school system, and the state government. Common Core has been a controversial topic for years ever since the No child left behind act has been obsolete. Do we keep it since its other half , the No Child left behind Act (2001), has been irrelevant for Americas education. Common Core is destructive to the teachers; teacher evaluations have become based on the student’s annual growth per year. American Educator states “VAM should never be the singular measure of student learning used to evaluate teachers.”(Weingarten) In a study done by the U.S. Education Department concluded that “significant variations in teachers’ value-added scores, concluding that the variations do not reflect the quality of teaching, …show more content…

If the state doesn’t reach the country requirements in testing, the state doesn’t receive money from the government. Therefore hurting the state the districts that achieve the requirements get funding but not enough. The districts that failed only get funding from the state therefore cutting into the state’s budget. “Proficiency standards in the average state have been set at a much lower level than those set by NAEP”. (Kholer)To get funding states have to lower their levels in order to have a decent education program. “Had states raised proficiency standards, fewer students would be considered proficient and local schools would have been subject to increasingly severe penalties...for the vast majority of the states, they no longer need to be worried about penalties if lower percentages of students are identified as proficient.”(Peterson) “If Common Core is bad why is it “adopted by 46 states and the District of Columbia”.(Peterson) “By the fact that most states no longer need to comply with NCLB requirements that they penalize schools for not making state-defined proficiency