Common Core Argumentative Essay

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The United States education system is no stranger to reform implemented or supported by the government. Over the past four decades, the education system has been poked, prodded, formed, and reformed more than ever before. What is the cause of such change? Quite frankly, the U.S. government is feeling pressure from other countries’ academic successes. In order to maintain our top seed in every aspect of the international hierarchy, states are pushed to implement standards that are deemed suitable by the government to maintain that standing. Common Core, the newest in education reform, seems to be sweeping the nation like a hurricane. It rushed in much too quickly, gained power through government and corporate influence, and is now leaving students, teachers, and parents drowning due to its presence.
In 2009, President Obama, in …show more content…

The government also claims that it is keeping power in the hands of the states. In fact, according to the federally run Common Core Standards website, it says, “The Common Core is a state‐led effort that is not part of No Child Left Behind or any other federal initiative. The federal government played no role in the development of the Common Core (Myths vs. Facts).” The government seems to be clinging to this statement and others like it now that anger has arose over the increased federal role in education. However, this was not always the case. In 2009,President Obama was quoted saying,
“In the coming weeks... we’re putting over… one of the largest federal investments that the federal government has ever made in education reform... And I have to tell you, this was not an easy thing to get through Congress… I want to commend the leadership of the governors and school chiefs who’ve joined together to get this done. And because of these efforts, there will be a set of common standards that any state can adopt...and I urge all our states to do so