Annotated Bibliography

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Sawchuk, S. (2012). Many Teachers Not Ready for the Common Core. Education Digest, 16-22. Beginning this research I stumbled on this article which discusses the successful implementation of the Common Core Standards. Sawchuk discusses the massive task of getting all the public school K-12 teachers ready for the standards. Professional development and the roles of the states and school districts are reviewed. This article is clearly demonstrates the amount of work it will involve to make the Common Core Standards a reality across the United States.

Wilhoit, G. (2012). Make-or-break state action. Phi Delta Kappan, 47-49. …show more content…

The need for professional development, professional learning communities and participation from the state governments. Wilhoit acknowledges the difficulty in implementing these standards and how states and districts must work together in order for Common Core Standards to be a successful