Common Core Argumentative Essay

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“Gov. Jindal was a passionate supporter [of Common Core] before he was against it," Duncan said in June. "That situation is about politics, it's not about education. And frankly that's part of the problem" (Layton). This is not a statement just from someone who opposes it. Duncan says that Common Core is only about politics, it has nothing to do about education. All Common Core is to help politicians gain more votes and win office, not to help the education of students. Common Core State Standards are new national standards for american for English language arts and mathematics, that will help students prepare for college and the workforce, while in kindergarten and 12th grade. This is important to society because this will determine how the future society will be. If this is just about politics and does not focus on teaching students on what they need to achieve success in the classroom, then …show more content…

No Child Left Behind solution is to have less social studies, science, art, music, and physical education. There are severe consequences if a teacher spends time on social studies, instead of math drills (Kelley) That the teachers cannot teach what they would like, even the skills that will help their students be successful in the future. If a teacher does not put teaching math first, then they could face severe consequences. This did not allow students the freedom to use the skills from other classes that might help them in the future with math. The skills learned from being in other classes is not taken into account. Skills you learn in one class are needed in most classes if not all your other classes. Common Core will have strict curriculum that will need skills, but will not allow students the opportunities to take classes that help them learn the skills that are necessary to be