The Pros And Cons Of Common Core Standards

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Common Core Standards hit the educational world in a quick and not always jubilant manner. It has been an ongoing process of unconvinced expectations and doubt. School districts nationwide have had their battles with the implementation of these national standards. These standards are intended to ensure that as a nation we are preparing students through a meticulous curriculum that will allow them to be able to compete with others on a national and international level academically (college and career ready standards). Just as there are many people against Common Core Standards there are also many people who totally agree that it is the best thing that has happened to education in years.
The idea of Common Core standards was created by politicians. It was designed to ensure that our American students are being taught college and career ready standards that will prepare them to be able to compete on a …show more content…

Common Core standards give the teachers the opportunity to plan excellent lessons that will help push their students and challenge them on levels that they’ve never been confronted with before. Common Core places creativity back into the classroom. These standards are not a prescribed curriculum so the teachers are able to figure out how to deliver the instruction in a creative and hands on way. The students will be able to explore a concept and immerse themselves into that content. This will allow them to emerge with a complete understanding that will last for a very long time. With the previous educational plan, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) teachers were expected to teach and students would go on to the next concept discouraged. Common Core allows students to stay on topic and dive deeper into the skill. This allows them to be able to understand and apply the knowledge to everyday life