Communalism In Politics

1946 Words8 Pages
Communalism means disharmony or feeling of ill will between different communities on grounds of religion, language, race, caste or community. India has a large number of communities based on these diversities. Owing to the mixed character of Indian people, there are always chances of social differences, ethnic and cultural variations. People tend to pressure their interests by forming groups and selecting identifications that maximize their advantages in the competition for scarce jobs and economic resources and for political power. Sometimes, these struggles cause wide spread violence or serious and costly disorder. Such incidents become the source of political instability and menace to peace and economic development. Incidents of communal riots often disturb public order affecting the society at large. Therefore, handling communal riots promptly and properly is considered the most important function of the police. Role of Police during Elections
An election may be defined as a means of choice of members of a governmental organization. Elections are the ultimate and most important means by which government in general and legislature in particular is subjected to popular control in a democratic system. Articles 325 and 326 of the Constitution of India confer the right of vote on every adult citizen, without any discrimination on grounds of sex, race or property ownership. This system of elections based on adult suffrage makes India a democratic country in the