Communication Disorders And Their Negative Effects On Children

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No matter the age, all people has appreciated or currently enjoy cartoon television shows from time to time. Some cartoons will leave you with a feeling of motivation, some will provide you with life lessons, and some people enjoy watching and listening to the phrases of the silliest characters that the animations provide. As a child, I personally grew up with a designated television period in which I spent the majority of my time watching my favorite animated shows. For the most part, cartoons can be a positive experience for children, but any animated television characters with speech sound disorders could negatively affect a child’s speech. When it comes to cartoon voices, most characters have high pitched voices that attract and keep …show more content…

Depending on how the other characters in the show portray the individual with the disorder, the audience may view the speaker as uneducated or illiterate; however, some movies or television shows may bring a positive outlook and provide motivation for the person with the condition. For example, in the movie, The King’s Speech, the main character had a stuttering problem and was seeking assistance through a Speech-Language Pathologist. The King develops a friendship with the therapist and underwent intensive speech therapy. After several sessions, he began to progress with his stuttering problem and gained confidence in his communication abilities. The other characters in the movie were encouraged by the King’s dedication and hard work, which motivated him to perform at the best of his abilities. Because the film is uplifting, the spectators view The King’s Speech as a motivational movie and provides courage to all humans that we can all persevere if we have a designated goal. Overall, it depends on how the movie is developed and produced to determine how the audience will view the speech, language, or communication