Communication Problems In The Fireproof Movie: Interpersonal Communication

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Watching the "Fireproof" movie, I was able to distinguish several interpersonal communication problems between the main characters. Interpersonal communication is the methods by which people get involved in the conversation to exchange message, information, and feelings to each other both verbally and non-verbally(Stewart, 2012). Every individual has their ideas and approaches to communicate to others. Our processes of communication display as our behavior which causes either success or failure in relationships. The "fireproof" movie is an excellent example of several interpersonal communications challenges takes in our day by day lives, how communication issues may become a barrier to the growth in the various relationship and how understanding communication skills bring differences in the relationship. The main characters in the movie, Caleb, and his wife Catherine both did not know how to communicate to each other correctly. Both of them were delivering messages through numerous active, passive and interactive ways to each other. Both of them were not aware of that to have intimacy in any marriage relationship requires interactions with abundant listening and understanding. They both did talking to each other a lot, but neither of them listened to each other giving respect and trying to understand what each other is trying to communicate. Catherine was upset extremely because Caleb prioritized his interest in jobs, boat, spent more time in a computer but didn 't care