Communism Vs Capitalism Essay

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One of the main focuses of communism is on the collective good because in order to be fully human one must be in relation with everyone. Engels details how to achieve this state. One of the first and most important parts is that production needs to be expanded in order to satisfy the necessities of everyone in the community. Through this, Engels believes that all of the classes will be dispersed and therefore all of their conflicts too. (Engels 91) However, an essential part to this is that everyone has the responsibility to work in order to keep the community running. This would then make all of the factories, ships, workshops, and railroads nationally shared throughout the community. Everything would be shared in the community and taken …show more content…

Building off that idea, Marx outlined how since the collective labor was all aimed towards the same goal, it was much more efficient than capitalism because people were not working for themselves, but rather the nation. (Marx “Estranged Labor” 73) This is why it is more important to have a collective group of people that work together than individuals. This reasoning is what builds the foundation of communism. The interdependence of communism is what supposedly keeps it efficient and allows everyone to live a full life. Since the idea of the collective good is enforced, the idea of common ownership will clearly follow. First of all this means no private property for anyone. Engels goes further concluding that this has to be a global stage where no one owns any property. He even goes as far to say that violence will be used if necessary in order to achieve this goal. However, first there will be peaceful ways of attempting to get rid of private property. (Engels 89) These include: excessively taxing private property, abolition of inheritances, and forced loans for property which would lead to the gradual expropriation of all of the landowners in the world. (Engels 91) At the same time, every private possession would also be