Compare And Contrast Communism And Fascism

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Why is communism and fascism so similar, yet are located on the opposite wings of political spectrum?

Many countries in the world have been ruled by these ideologies. On extreme left and one extreme right. Countries, which are under the influence of communism and fascism, have often fought throughout history. Despite that there are many characteristics, which make communism and fascism comparable. The establishment of these regimes was a crucial step to the beginning of World War II.

After the industrial revolution division of economical classes was created. Gradually societies came to a point, in which leaders often with radical political views ruled them. The most famous cases of countries being ruled by these ideologies are communist …show more content…

Leaders like Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and Mussolini gained absolute control mainly through terror. The most common method to have absolute control over the population was creating secret police. Gestapo in Nazi Germany, Okhrana in Tsarist Russia, NKVD during the Great terror in 1930s and later KGB during the communist regime. Mussolini also had established a similar organization in 1927- OVRA (used to fight against antifascism). Secrete police was needed to maintain absolute control and suppress any sabotage. All these associations had comparable approaches and …show more content…

The aim of propaganda was to achieve total conformity of one idea. Propaganda has been around different kinds of medias such as newspapers, books, news, radio, TV, advertisement and other. Simple language was used for everyone to be able to understand –“language of crowds" It doesn’t even have to be noticeable, nonetheless still has a great effect on our minds. If done professionally propaganda can drastically change the views of individuals upon a topic. Adolf Hitler is most known for succeeding in “ convincing his country of the National Socialism ideals”. It played a large role in turning German people even more anti-Semitic. “The Jews’ economic progress, cultural achievements, and social ascendancy added a new dimension to their neighbors’ antipathy. In 19th century the Jewish community in Europe was to some extent accepted and respected. In 1866 even “German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck participated in the dedication of a synagogue in Berlin” in order to show appreciation to the Jewish society. How did the way Germans view Jews change into such radical hatred so fast? Hitler’s opinion on propaganda is described in his book Mein Kampf “Its task is not to make an objective study of the truth, in so far as it favors the enemy, and then set it before the masses with academic fairness; its task is to serve our own right, always and unflinchingly”. Goebbels was appointed to be the head of propaganda.