Company Overview Of Clover's Best Farming Practices

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Bste311 Company name: Clover Product: Milk Best operating management 2.3.1. Cost of working reasonable hours The sustainability incorporate both the requirements of the Act, 71 of 2008 in terms of regulation43, which based on good corporate citizenship, environmental health and public safety. Working hours for each and every employee must be limited to a maximum of 45 hours in a week: nine hours if the employee works five days a week or eight hours if the employee works more than five days a week. Overtime may only be worked if the employee agreed to work overtime. Woking hours may affect the following; Affecting labour supply The supply of labour may be affected if the Woking hours are not suitable for the workers and the company as a whole …show more content…

Clover has developed a policy whereby 55 tests are conducted from farm to shelf to ensure that only the best quality and safe milk products are contributed to consumers. To further make sure that they get best possible quality raw milk, all milk producers participate in Clover’s Best Farming Practices programme, whereby the quality of raw milk is continuously improved at farm level. Almost 100% of Clover’s raw milk is presently sourced from farms that have passed the Best Farming Practices audits with 80% or better. 2.8. Facility planning process Activities needed When the company is planning the activities that usually needed are those important aspects. In Clover Company their first priority is to make sure that they produce only the quality products to the consumers and also to make sure that the consumers’ needs are meet. Activities that they look at:  Refrigerator system This is the most important part of the planning, because they can’t be able to do anything without this product, its crucial to the company and to keep the product fresh and healthy all the time.  Storage …show more content…

Facility layout plan Facilities planning and design forms part of a company’s strategic planning. The strategic importance thereof lies largely in the fact that substantial investments have to be made in the facility planning field in order to upgrade existing facilities and build new facilities, to maintain a certain standard. The design and layout of facilities have a major influence on aspects of operating costs, material costs, management and control of facilities, maintenance, making sure of flexibility of employees, employees behaviour and productivity: according to Tompkins (Tompkins et al, 2003). The facility layout plan also creates opportunities for lower costs and also the improvement in productivity, layouts make sure that the activities are in order, by doing so the employee’s health and safety is being taken care of. Basic layout type  The fixed position layout The product cannot be shifted on account of its size, shape or location. Example:  Process layout Similar products are grouped together into sections Example: in Clover Company the liquid products like milk and yoghurt are placed together.  The product

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