
Compare And Contrast Afghanistan And The United States

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Afghanistan and the United States of America are both countries that first formed around the same period of time. The first time the region of modern day Afghanistan was united was in 1823 by the Emirate of Afghanistan. Similarly, the United States of America first declared independence from Britain in 1776. However, these two countries took completely different paths in the way they have developed. Although, both countries have similar governments, there are a lot of differences between the economy and infrastructure, and history and culture of Afghanistan and the United States of America Afghanistan is located in the heart of the silk road, a trade route that connected East Asia to Europe. Due to this it has a very rich history on which many of the traditions of modern day Afghanistan are based on. These traditions are a mixture from Arab, Mongol and Mauryan culture. Furthermore, Islam has had a huge impact on the region, especially in the last century. What used to be a more liberal and open country, in terms of the way people dressed and what people did in their free time, has been turned into a conservative country. Women now had to cover up, usually with a burqa, men were expected to grow beards, music was no longer allowed, and everyone was expected to be religious. …show more content…

Most of the traditions of the U.S. was carried over from Europe and thus is very Western, however there are traces of African and Asian and Latin American influence. From the beginning, the rights of the citizens have always been paramount, they have things such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion. As a result of this, the United States is a more liberal country. Women don’t have to worry about being arrested for what they wear, men can choose whatever type of facial hair they want, and anybody can listen to music whenever they

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