Compare And Contrast Asclepius And Socrates

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During the discussion regarding physical training for the guardians, the question of how to deal with sick people is raised. Adopting the position of Asclepius, Socrates concludes, “But as for the ones whose bodies are naturally unhealthy or whose souls are incurably evil, won’t they let the former die of their own accord and put the latter to death?” (86) Overall, Socrates advocates death for both groups mainly because they will not be able to contribute to the city. For the fatally ill, they will be so focused on treating themselves, they will not be able to work, and per Socrates, not be able to truly live either. On the other hand, Socrates believes that the “incurably evil”, or psychopaths, should be purged from the city as means of keeping …show more content…

With respect to the fatally ill, we will allow them to use personal resources to delay their death for however long they want. They will pay for their treatments and doctors will make their livings. Anyone who postpones their death can stay in the city as is proper for a citizen. We will have respected their choice for life without having affected the lives of everyone else. In the case of the mentally ill, the philosopher-kings, using their immense knowledge, should see what form of “soul purification” can be provided to these individuals. All expenses will be incurred by the patient’s family and should they refuse to take care of this individual, they must be exiled for failing to take care of the relative who is an extension of their own body and soul. Mental treatment should be ongoing until poverty threatens the livelihood of the families in which case the family should decide whether to voluntarily leave the city with the mentally ill or have the relative executed. In both cases, the City will benefit as the craftsman group will see the freedoms they have been granted by the guardians while coming at no financial cost to the