Compare And Contrast Ben And Jimmy Vs The Holocaust

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Ben and Jimmy vs. The Holocaust Ben and I were playing in the forest trying to find a way to survive the Holocaust. I was always trying to figure out a way to help Ben’s family because he was always thinking about them and doing risky stuff to help them. Ben sneaks into the ghetto to give food and supplies to help his family survive in the camp. It is very hard for two young teenagers to survive a war without any parents there to help you and with no money or shelter. Ben and I always do what we can with our strength and intelligence to survive the Holocaust, and try to at least get shelter for enough food for us. As Ben and I were in the forest hunting for food and trying to find a good place to make shelter, …show more content…

He tells us we may join his group but we have to make an oath on never giving up the hideout and betrayal. So we made the oath and met everyone in the group. Also when we were walking we seen two people working on something with a natzi symbol on it, so we asked them what are they doing. They told us that they were trying to crack the natzi’s codes. We told them that it will take a lot of intelligence to crack the natzi’s code. So they tell just to stop disturbing them and go elsewhere, so we did. Ben starts to sit in a corner and cries, I asked him what is going on, so he told me he just really wished his parents were with him and that he really misses them and hopes that they are doing okay. Ben was as sad as the clouds when it rains, so I told him that we’ll get them back soon and not to worry too much, they are very smart and they’ll find a way to survive. Ben tells me that he will be back, he claimed that he was going to go to the camp and give them food and supplies to see if they were okay. I always thought that Ben was as sneaky as a