
I Had Lived A Thousand Years By Livia Bitton-Jackson

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In the book “I Had Lived A Thousand Years” by Livia Bitton-Jackson talks about Jews being tortured by the Germans. The Germans hate the Jews because they blame the Jews for losing World War 1. Ellie and her family were sent to concentration camps where they face their nightmares and are separated by the Germans. They were suffering, but were afraid to run away. Bubi, Ellie’s older brother warned his family that the Nazi’s were coming, but they didn’t believe him. They made him go back so he won’t miss any of his classes. After they sent Bubi they were told that the Nazi’s were coming and that Bubi was right. Ellie’s father felt blamed because he made Bubi go back. They tried calling Bubi, but it was too late. The Germans arrived and all
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