Compare And Contrast Bin Laden And Mahatma Gandhi

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Mahatma Gandhi and Osama Bin Laden were both influential twentieth century figures that inspired millions of people through religion, unity, and nationalism. These men wanted to fight against colonialism and oppression which was thriving in their regions at the time. Despite the extreme differences in each of their modus operandi, these two separately radical men lived quite parallel lives. Both of these icons had a grand vision for change in the regions that they lived in, along with eventual global change. The global powers of their lifetimes where the main oppressors of their visions, with the British empire during Gandhi’s time, and the United states during Bin Laden’s. Mahatma Gandhi’s mission was to fight against the British Empire’s rule over India so that he and his people could obtain a higher freedom and the right to their own destinies and resources, along with unifying India as one nation (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh). Whereas Bin Laden fought against the United States and its extensive presence in the Middle East. Furthermore, Bin laden wanted justice for the oppressed Muslims of the world, and to ultimately unite Islam under an all-powerful caliphate. …show more content…

Mahatma Gandhi’s recruiting call “Indian first, Muslim or Hindu second. “. Was the idea of a peaceful unity of Hinduism and Islam in an independent India. While Osama Bin Laden’s call to arms was the idea of a unified Islamic caliphate independent from the hands and the whispers of the west. Both of these men exhibited acts of selflessness and bravery, and thus encouraged their supporters to do the same, which would in turn advance the objectives of their