Compare And Contrast Blanche And Stanley

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Everyone has a tendency to act a certain way around certain people, just like how people may act polite and kind to their family and loved ones, while in public with friends they might act rude and loud. In A Streetcar Named Desire, both Blanche and Stanley perform differently depending on who they are interacting with. People say blood is thicker than water, which could explain how Blanche acts around her sister as well as Stanley. Blanche can be seen being caring, even motherly to her sister. How much Blanche cares about her sister can be seen in, "You're all I've got in the world," showing that Stella is almost everything to her. Even though Blanche may be a liar, this line is one of the few truths she tells because she lost her …show more content…

She doesn't just act caring, but she also tries to hide her alcoholic ways. She tells her sister, "Now, don't get worried, your sister hasn't turned into a drunkard." even though right before Stella arrived back at her home, Blanche quickly took a drink. She even pretended to look for the whiskey when she knew where it was the whole time. She also lies about one being her limit, as it is seen throughout the story that she drinks a lot more than she gives off. She performs this way around Stella because she is all she has. Blanche had no where to go, so she went to the only person she knew who could help. She also knows if Stella knew the truth, she wouldn't be able to stay, so she acts kind to get on Stella's good side. She also does not want to worry her sister about her health, but also because she's in denial of her own lies and health. Blanche performs, at first, flirty around Stanley, like she does with other guys. This can be seen when she says "Now the buttons!", referring to Stanley, asking him to button up her dress. Throughout the story, she tells her lies to seem better than she really