
Compare And Contrast Bush Vs Tyler

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Play-in Games HW Bush vs Tyler- The lingering effects of Bush’s agenda in the middle east earn him a spot in the round of 64. Cleveland vs Johnson- Despite, Cleveland having few notable accomplishments he advances past Johnson seeing as Johnson proved very ineffective during the Reconstruction and faced impeachment charges as a result of his violation of tenure of office act. Taft vs Fillmore- Taft advances due to his recognition as such a large man as well as his success as a trust buster. Obama vs Van Buren- The legacy of Obama and the effects of his policies remain to be same, but he still defeats Van Buren because of the Panic of 1812, although not entirely his fault due to Jackson's Pet Banks, he still earned the nickname of Martin Van Ruin which earned him an early exit from this throw down. Bush vs Arthur- Bush advances based on the importance and long lasting impacts of his decisions following the …show more content…

This round held two near upsets for Eisenhower and Monroe but both fell just short. Eisenhower made it a close fight because of his prominence as a general but Jefferson and his Anti-Federalist values proved to be much too big of a symbol in American History to overcame. In the other matchup, Monroe gave Jackson a run for his money citing the importance of the Monroe Doctrine but in the end , Andrew Jackson was at the forefront of so many important events in our history that he advanced. His battle with the bank, the trail of tears, and his leadership in war all prove to massively important events. Finally, in this very close Jackson vs Jefferson matchup, I gave Jefferson the edge because of the importance of the Louisiana purchase, something I feel the importance is often overlooked. This nearly doubled the size of the country, and drastically changed the course of American history perhaps more than any other

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