District 9 And Avatar Essay

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District 9 and Avatar were both outstanding movies that explored the Science Fiction genre perfectly. Even though these two films are very different, the themes of aliens, space travel, medical experimentation and technology were shown throughout. It can be argued that Avatar is a more evolved film in terms of science fiction as the themes were more explored compared to District 9.
Avatar is a movie that is beautiful to watch. The CGI and special effects enhanced the movie and made the viewers believe that Pandora, the alien’s homeland, could in fact be real. District 9 had a dystopian setting: the alien’s lived in a dirty, poverty struck district in Johannesburg. Whenever we viewed this district, dull colours were used as well as only natural lighting which helped emphasize the dystopian theme. The special effects in District 9 were very well edited. This was noticed because the alien’s (“prawns”) did not look too unrealistic. These prawns were large, animal looking aliens. They are nicknamed “prawns” because they have a very close resemblance to the Parktown prawn that is known in South Africa. The prawn …show more content…

District 9’s prawns look gruesome and ugly, Avatar’s Na’vi look more human like and spiritual. The prawns’ are tall, more animal looking aliens. The humans are not excepting of their kind and want them to leave. The Na’vi feared that the humans were to take over and ruin their peaceful land. The humans were not afraid of the Na’vi and would destroy anyone or thing that got in their way. Humans in District 9 took this same approach. In both cases, the aliens ended up being more humane than the actual humans. In District 9, there is a scene where the prawns fight and kill Kobus (the antagonist) to save Wikus. This showed the aliens support and community. A medium shot was used to show the violence in this scene. The prawns were more evolved aliens as they were unidentifiable and