Compare And Contrast Essay On Rome Vs Us

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Rome vs. U.S.A. Just imagine what the United States would be like if they ran out of money. Would there be absolute chaos, or maybe people fighting each other for a piece of bread? This could very easily happen to the United States if they keep going at the rate they are. The United States will eventually fall like Rome because the amount of taxes has increased, wars are very costly, and the interest of politics is declining. Will the taxation ever stop on American or the Roman citizens? Rome’s empire needed more money to pay for all its military expenses, so they had to increase the taxes on its citizens. They were not getting enough gold and treasures from the other territories that they conquered so the government had to find it some other way. That other way was to heavily tax all of their citizens. This made it hard on all of the people who were just getting by with the amount of money they earned. They do not have enough money to waste on helping the government fix its problems. Just like in Rome the United States has increased its taxation rate over the years. Now Americans are taxed on just about anything that they buy or the money they earn. Americans have to give up some of …show more content…

Americans somehow have to pay for soldiers to be flown across the world to fight in other countries. While the soldiers are overseas the government has to pay for all of their food, shelter, and guns or something to fight with. All of this adds up in the end and can have a dent on the government's budget. Just like how the American government has pay for all the crazy government expenses, Rome had to do the same. Even though Rome did not have to pay to send soldiers all over the world they did have to pay for all the military paraphernalia. Rome had to pay for all of the swords and equipment the soldiers had to use when they fought. This hurt the government’s budget because it was so expensive. Wars are simply costing the government too much

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