Compare And Contrast Ewells And Cunninghams

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The Ewells and Cunningham families in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee or complete opposites of eachother. The first way they vary is in their appearance. The Ewells don 't care what they look like so their “necks are dark grey, backs of hands are rusty, and fingernails black deep into the quick” (27). However, the Cunninghams look as best the can with a “clean shirt and neatly pressed overalls” (19). Another way they differ is their education. While the Ewells only “come the first day then leave” (27); Cunningham 's try to go as much as they can. Eventually, they have to go back and work in the fields. Finally, the last way they clash is their manners. The Ewells are selfish are spend their “relief checks on green wisky” (31). On the