Compare And Contrast Frederick Douglass And Abraham Lincoln

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Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln are inspirations to people of all kinds and colors because they overcame challenges to fight for freedom and liberty for all. These men are figures that anyone of any age could look up to for inspiration. A child being abused by their parents, a teen being bullied at school, or someone who recently suffered a loss or has been through a rough patch in their life. Lincoln was a man of great virtue. He helped hold together the Union during one of the bloodiest wars in American history, the Civil War. Lincoln also worked to abolish slavery while managing his entitlement to aid the soldiers through the Civil War. “The cause he so ardently loved, so ably, patiently, faithfully represented and defended-not for …show more content…

Standing up for a classmate or even participating in a school fundraiser, could be examples of showing this kind hearted side, no matter if you are recognized or rewarded for accomplishing it. No matter who you are, no matter, what you look like or what you do, you can make a difference. Frederick Douglass is a significant and appreciable figure also. Douglass was a former American slave who managed to escape his life of restriction to attain freedom in a free state. This was an onerous thing to do but all it took was a little hope and perseverance. “From that time until now, I have been engaged in pleading the cause of my brethren-with what success, and with what devotion, I leave those acquainted with my labors to decide. (SB page 72)” This quote shows how Douglass overcame his problems in life which, in this case, was being held against his will to work for his slaveholder. He knew how painful it was to have a master that owns you and can punish whomever with whatever they choose, solely because of the color of their slaves skin. After this, and when he had gained opportunities and resources, Douglass decided to defend all slaves with his whole heart and with anything he