Compare And Contrast Guess Who's Coming To Dinner And Selma

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The two movies, “Guess Who's Coming to Dinner” and “Selma” are outstanding in their own perspective. The movie “Guess Who's Coming to Dinner” was based on a woman, Joanna Drayton, an extroverted woman and a man, John Prentice, a black doctor become engaged in a time period, 1960s, where civil right movement was at peak and racial equality was a national topic with different personal views and ideas about the situation. On the other hand, “Selma” depicts the movement to secure equal voting rights by Martin Luther King Jr. through his march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965. Even though both movies were exemplifying the same time period of 1960s, they have a different method in filmmaking. In common terms, the movies that are released in the past decade has been more concentrated toward digital processing and editing however the movie made in 1960s had seldom reach to digital editing and processing. Another difference we can …show more content…

There are strongly four elements in every movie; narrative, cinematography, editing and sounds. The narrative in both movies had the actual use of word that were prevalent in the 1960s such as the use of the word “cool” in “Guess Who's Coming to Dinner”. The narrative in “Selma” were as subtle as the movie. The cinematography was different as they were filmed in different times. Through the differences, the both movie showed how the racial oppression was present at that time and how people were having a hard time in accepting another race and culture. Both movie can play a significant part as a tool of historical learning. “Guess Who's Coming to Dinner” gave us a context on the state of Interracial Marriage at that time, how social status played a vital role and the civic right movement efforts. “Selma” on the other hand showed us the efforts and the drive the nation and Martin Luther King Jr. had to ensure the voting