Compare And Contrast Han China And Rome Technology

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Although both Han and Rome both made huge accomplishments in technology they had very different views on technology. The Han dynasty viewed their tools as huge advancements and tried to use them throughout all the classes in societies because they were much more open and positive towards poor workers than the Roman Empire which had great technologies but they did not appreciate the lower class workers which lead to a negative view on technology (run-on sentence). As Roman laborers were often slaves the technologies and tools they used were often neglected and not noticed while the upper class advancements in math and science were the only technological achievements that were noticed. The Hans had a society heavily based on agriculture. New tools and technologies created were often to increase agricultural work and output which were immediately used by the poor which were the main agricultural workers. The lower class separation in Han China led to a more positive view on technology than that of the Romans. …show more content…

Huan Guan shows his bias towards the workers as he describes them as “excellent” and he blames the government for the poor's lack of ability to personally manufacture tools. Document 4 showed the Hans great admiration for new inventions that helped the agricultural labor of the poor. Tu shih gave workers access to new technologies which created more crops and helped the society as a whole. Document 4 describes the government as generous and peaceful as it told how the government loved and admired the working class. The appreciation that the Hans had towards their agricultural tools can be seen in both documents 2 and